
Gestor/a de propiedades turisticas

Insertia.Net | Málaga (España)
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Descripción del empleo
The Property Manager reports to the Property Leader and is in charge to communicate, welcome and
Assist our guests during their stays, make sure the properties remain in a perfect state, promote our
Services, manage the cleaning staff and edit the monthly property reports.


● Guide our guests using our communication tools (PMS and WhatsApp for Business).
● Welcome the guests to our properties and assist them during their stay (check-in).
● Offer our additional services to the guests (electric scooter, guide tour, etc. ).
● Manage the cleaning staff and participate in the new hiring (cleanings schedule, salaries).
● Do the inventories and supplies replacement (broken decorations, furniture, etc. ).
● Supervise the technical interventions (small reparations, maintenance).
● Edit and send the Monthly Property Reports to the Property Leader for validation.

Skills and qualifications:

● Good writing and spelling capabilities in English and Spanish (French is a plus).
● Be reactive, adaptive and improvise while facing issues.
● Having strong customer relationship capabilities.
● Good knowledge of Andalucía is a plus (restaurants, cultural sites, activities. . . ).
● Management responsibilities, with great career potential growth as a Property Leader.
● Integrity and trust are part of REMS values.
● A minimum of a bachelor's degree is required.

Conditions and Benefits:

● Location: Malaga historic center.
● Schedule: From 12:00 to 18:00 and more if emergencies.Be very reactive on WhatsApp from
10:00 to 22:00.
● Days off: 2 days per week + unlimited days off if approved by the Property Leader.

Empresa que solicita el puesto: Rems group

Tipo de Contrato: A tiempo parcial

Puestos solicitados: 1

Salario: A negociar

Más información
Fecha publicación: Hace 7 días Ubicación: Málaga (España) Área funcional: Otros Sector empresa: Otros

Información de la empresa es una iniciativa creada para facilitar todo el proceso de selección de personal y desarrollo profesional, tanto a demandantes de empleo, como a los departamentos de RRHH de cualquier empresa, utilizando para ello las últimas tecnologías y ofreciendo servicios de publicidad en general
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Gestor/a de propiedades turisticas
Otros | Málaga (España)

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